EN 1063 – EN 1522 – EN 1523 : from FB4/BR4 NS – FB7/BR7 NS
The bulletproof solutions we offer are independently certified to the highest EU standards, within the proof testing facilities at the Banc National d’Épreuve de Saint-Étienne (France).
Our role is to provide our clients with protection and peace of mind: We are specialists in bulletproofing.
Clients and partners come to us for our expertise, support, and advice, but especially because the work we do will meet the highest criteria.
We also test all of our products to the highest US standards, and are in the process of earning US certification.
If you want to talk about a project and how we can help, please do get in touch.

Increasing levels of protection certification are awarded based on the ability of our bullet-resistant materials to resist live ammunition, under rigorously controlled and repeatable conditions.
The EN 1522 – 1523 standard defines 7 resistance classes for pistols and rifles (FB1 to FB7) and one class for shotguns (FSG). ProTech Sécurité can meet all of these standards:
- FB1 BR1 | Rifle. 22 Long Rifle (L. R.)
- FB2 BR2 | Para 9mm Gun/Revolver
- FB3 BR3 | Gun / revolver. 357 Magnum
- FB4 BR4 | Gun / revolver. 44 Magnum
- FB5 BR5 | assault rifle 5.56×45 NATO
- FB6 BR6 | assault rifle 5.56×45 Armour Piercing // Geweer 7.62×51 Soft Core
- FB7 BR7 | assault rifle 7.62×51 Armour Piercing
- SG1 | Hunting rifle / Riot Gun Cal. 12/70 Brenneke – number of hits : 1
- SG2 | Hunting rifle / Riot Gun Cal. 12/70 Brenneke – number of hits : 3